- Arrive for all camp sessions in good time to prepare thoroughly
- Turn up with appropriate playing kit for the coaching sessions, ready to work and with a positive attitude
- Listen to the coaches and your teammates
- Always warm up and cool down properly
- Play for fun and enjoyment – not just to please your parents and/or coach
- Learn and play by the rules
- Do not argue with officials and/or the coach – use your energies for playing better
- Recognise and applaud all good play whenever possible (encourage your teammates!)
- Be a good sport – win with modesty, lose with dignity
- Respect other people – treat them as you would wish to be treated
- Do not use bad language or threatening/aggressive behaviour (this will not be tolerated at any LSB camp session)
- Co-operate with coach, team-mates and opponents
- Think about what you’ve learnt each session and how you can continue to improve your skills outside of the coaching sessions
- Inform the coach of any injury as soon as possible if you are injured
- Inform the coach if you need to leave camp earlier than scheduled
- Thank officials and opponents after competition
If you need to speak to someone in confidence, please speak to your Head Coach or your parent/carer
- Remember that children play for their fun, not yours
- Encourage children to play, do not force them
- Praise your child’s efforts whether they win or lose
- Applaud all good play
- Never ridicule a child for losing or making a mistake
- Children learn best by following a good example
- Learn the rules of the game to better understand what you are looking at and commenting on
- Show your appreciation to all officials, coaches and helpers
- Condemn the use of violence, profane language and any form of abuse
- Think of how you can best help the coaches create the most positive and enjoyable experience for your child and his/her teammates
If you have any concerns regarding the activity, please speak to the Head Coach
- Set a good example which others can follow
- Never use bad language or demonstrate abusive or negative behaviour
- Arrive in plenty of time to set up your activities and ensure safety
- Remember children play for pleasure and winning is only part of the fun
- Keep yourself informed about sound coaching practices and the principles of children’s growth and development
- Be reasonable in your demands on children’s time, energy and enthusiasm they need other interests too
- Always demonstrate respect and Fair Play
- The successful coach invests in the well-being and interests of their players, not their win/loss record
- Teach your pupils/players that honest effort is more important than victory so that the result of each game is accepted without undue disappointment
- Never ridicule or shout at a child for making a mistake or losing
- Teach players to be fair and to follow the rules
- Divide your time equally between all standards of players
- Ensure you and your players have respect for their opponents, the officials and opposing coaches and supporters
- Follow advice from a professional when determining if an injured player is ready to play or train
- Take responsibility for the young people in your care until they have safely left the activity and your duty of care